Say no to Social Media! Part 1

No Facebook

Day 1

This is my first day doing the experiment. I am not going to lie, I accidentally typed in when I browsed the internet today. No one has noticed that my Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat was deleted. I actually had a lot of time to do homework, with all the distractions deleted. For example, I got my corporate communication homework done right away. I also went to sleep early instead of aimlessly browsing the internet. The only time I used the internet was for google or e-mail. I am off to an okay start.


Day 2

As I was doing homework last night, I was checking my phone constantly for instagram and snapchat. Thank god I deleted it. I noticed that I use these 2 applications as a way to procrastinate…. Noticing this habit is so bad. Also, I noticed that when I opened my laptop, the first webpage I signed on was Facebook!! Again….. I honestly have a problem!!!! Thank God I am doing this project, and realizing how big of a social media user I am…. As these last few weeks are passing by, I will try not to procrastine and instead try to focus on my school work and FINALS. My G.P.A. is on the line this semester…


Day 3 – Peer Pressure

I am struggling. I have been so tempted to sign on my Facebook during class, or even at the library when I was bored. I was even tempted by friends to reactivate my Facebook. I have received several comments from friends like, “Derrick, what happened to your Facebook?” or “Reactivate your Facebook, I just FRaped Ciana, look at it!”

Also, I supposedly was sent a message on Facebook about one of my group projects, and one of my partner’s was concerned that I didn’t have a Facebook. Luckily, she texted me instead and asked what happened to it, and I had to explain to her about the experiment.

It has been a struggle dealing with no social media, but I am being very strong. I HAVE NOT CAVED which is the most important part. I am not letting my peers peer pressure me in to going back to the social media world. I have noticed how much more free time I have. More time to do homework, sleep, cook, and just catch up on myself. Social media is for pleasure.

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